
1. ILDIZBOARD is a heat insulation board which has same form as ILDIZBOND metal tiles
2. ILDIZBOARD has many advantages when used under ILDIZBOND metal tiles. Advantages are as below:
ILDIZBOARD has same shape as ILDIZBOND metal tiles, thus there is no room between ILDIZBOND and ILDIZBOARD.Because of that it is impossible to bend ILDIZBOND metal tiles when walking on it.
There are many thiny gaps under ILDIZBOARD to ventilate back face and this prevents humidity.
ILDIZBOARD can be produced between 5,5cm to 11,5 cm thickness. İt is used as a regular thermal insulation board
There is no need to use battens thus you can save wood and laborship.
İt does not allow heat resistence absence because it is installated continously
Technical data of ILDIZBOARD
5,5-6,5-7,5-8,5-9,5-10,5-11,5 cm
105 cm x 74 cm
0,777 m2
20 kg/m3 - 25 kg/m3 - 30kg/m3
0,034(for density 20kg/m3, thickness 5,5 cm)
Roof should be covered with underlay wood or min.11 mm thick OSB Board.
Roof perimeter must be batten 3x5cm thick wood.
All the accecories places must be prepared by 3x5 cm thick wood before installation begin
ILDIZBOARD EPS STYROPOR must installed, begining from bottom to the ridge.
Front of the ILDIZBOARD EPS STROPOR must be cut considering thickness of the 3x5 cm batten and tiles will be 2-3 cm away of the facia.
ILDIZBOARD EPS STYROPOR’ s can click to eachother by plugs found all four sides.
Water vapour retarder sheet must lay on ILDIZBOARD EPS STYROPOR, begining from the lower level that paralel to the gutter line .ILDIZBOARD and water vapour retarder sheets can be laid partly when wind does not allow . Water vapour retarder can be nailed to prevent loosen the sheet
Tiles must installed from bottom to the top.
The tiles laid to the first row must be screwed from the back side by 8 cm long wood screws from 3 points to the OSB
Tile laid at the second row must cover the back of the tiles at the first row.By this way the screws at the tiles at the first row covered by the tiles at second row
Each tile at the second row screwed with 2,5-3 cm long screws from 4 dots at the nose of tile.By this way, the back face of the tile in the first row and front face of the tile in the second row screwed to eachother.Screwing will be done while going to upper rows as same as first and second row.
Ridges : Ridge batten should be done by nailing two of 3x5cm woods. ILDIZBOARD should be cut considering leaning to ridge batten .And the tiles should be cut considering leaning to ridge batten and bending to up turn 5 cm long.Ridge Hip Cap Accesory should installed .after the tiles at the both side of the ridge batten leaned to ridge batten.Ridge hip cap accesory should be nailed from sides at each 50 cm.
Flashings :. ILDIZBOARD should be cut considering leaning to the wall or chimney.Tiles should be cut considering leaning to wall and bending to up turn 5 cm. The combination of the end of the tile and the wall should be covered by Z profile accesory. Z profile should be nailed each 50 cm and combination of upper of the Z Profile and the wall should be siliconed .İt is beter that Zprofile up side should be bent 1 cm and put in the wall by cutting the wall 1 cm deep.And silicone should be covered by finishing kit as the same colour as the tile.
Barges: :.Another 3x5 cm batten should be lay on the batten that laid very first as perimeter batten. ILDIZBOARD should be cut considering leaning to batten.Tiles should be cut considering leaning to batten and bending to up turn 5 cm And Box Barge Cover accesorry sould put on the batten and sould be nailed each 50 cm..
Combination Valley:.Valley way should be prepared by laying two 3x5 cm battens with 13 cm space between eachother.Place the Combination valley Accesory to between battens..And combination valley should be nailed to batten each 50 cm . ILDIZBOARD should be cut consedering leaning to battens.And tiles should be cut conseidiring bending 3-4 cm down turn into the combination valley.
Facia: Facia should covered with Flat Sheet Accesory by cutting and bending according to dimensions of the face.Also special accesories should be done with flat sheet by cutting and bending.
.Front side of the tiles at the first row should be nailed to the perimeter batten and should be covered by finishing kit as the same colour as tile.